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Sunday, September 17, 2006 

"Surreal, but nice"

Remember this phrase? If you're a die-hard fan of Notting Hill, then maybe you'll instantly recognise it. Well, this is how I feel right now. It's only 20 days to our wedding and it feels so surreal...but nice.

Time has passed us by extra quickly these days because we're busy at work and with the final preparations for the day. I get easily tired because I'm not getting enough sleep, coupled with working on preparations till late.

I do think it's about time we slow down and get more rest before we burn out before the wedding day. But how? Maybe we suck at time management? Never mind...it's too late to worry about that now. All I want right now is to zzz....

Tomorrow will be another day...it's getting more and more surreal, but nice :)

Hi eternty, Surreal but nice..that is truly a very nice expression. I am not sure whether I truly understand what you are feeling right now as I have never been there and not sure whether I will ever get there...but anyway, I do feel excited for you and am absolutely absolutely v happy for you as a friend. I get from I just imagined probably I can grasp what you are feeling and you are right...onyl 19 days more! Maybe you should not learn to chill out a bit and take it easy. You really don't want to be burnt out on this very very special day of your life. It is a shame I can't be there with you but at the same time my heart and warm wishes go all the way out to you and Ray...Congrats again...:)
Friends Always, Ju

Counting down the days must be really exciting. Try to take it easy - delegate! (though it's really easier said than done!) Here's Bkworm and her family wishing you great happiness with your man. Congrats!

So glad that you're enjoying the wedding preparation. Take it easy. Relax. Have fun. Go for a massage. On that special day, just bask in the presence! It's yours and Ray's day, so indulge!

take it easy now....very soon will the beginning of the most wonderful journey of ur life. So no burn outs before the big day..Have a "surreal, but nice" day

hi ju. thanks so much. i'm sure you'll have your special day and moment too, when you give your mr. right a chance :) and thanks for being such a great friend! *hugs*

bkworm, i suck at delegating :( it's something i should learn and do. thanks for your warm wishes :)

dancing queen, now that you remind me...i do have a massage package outstanding which i've forgotten to make use of! :D

leonard, thank you for your comforting words. trying to take it easier already :)

Eternity, IT is now 9 more days to go...how are you feeling now? Don't worry I am sure everything will just be fine dear. Can't wait to hear ALL about it later plus all the pictures too...:) All the best dear...well wishes are with you always...

hi ju. it's now 6 days to go! less than a week! how does it feel? hmm...dunno how to describe :) will send you some pix. take care!

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